The best thing about golf in Thailand…!

The best thing about golf in Thailand…!

Thailand Golf Here is another post from our roving golf reporter in the USA, Mr. Andy Harris.

Ok, ok. I know, there are many reasons to love golf in Thailand. The courses are fabulous (many have held European and Asian Tour Events); the clubhouses are positively palatial; the golfing conditions are universally good; the weather is fine year round; the after round massage is a delight and all this for a fraction of the cost in the USA or Europe.

Still, my favorite part of the Thai golf experience without doubt, are the caddies. First there is the anticipation when you arrive at the course. As a rule the vast majority of caddies are females under 35, five feet tall with wonderful smiles. When you get to the course they will be waiting. Like staff anticipating the lord’s arrival at the manor, the caddies will be lined up in their colorful uniforms, expecting to do their duty.  As you step inside the clubhouse, you hope (I have to admit) that the caddie that gets your bag not only will be a great reader of greens but also will be pleasant to look at. After all you will be spending the best part of the day taking on 18 holes together.

With your bag in safe hands, you head to the luxurious locker room to prepare for the round. After slipping on your shoes and slopping on your sunscreen you step outside to your golf bag and caddie partner for the day.

As a rule I like to walk whenever possible, and it is mostly always possible when golfing in Thailand. Without the weight of a heavy bag to worry about, an umbrella in hand (to ward off the sun’s rays) and pleasant company for the day, it’s a very enjoyable walk. I have to add here that if you find the weight of the umbrella too much, it’s very easy to hire a second caddie. And after further thought, if you feel that you would like to have a third caddie just to carry the portable chair you brought for rest between shots, that’s ok too. Caddies cost about $10 for the round plus tip, so this will not break the bank (compare that to Scottish and Irish caddies that are 5-10 times more expensive, not nearly so pleasant to look at and more difficult to understand in most cases)!

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4 Responses

  1. I can never understand the thinking behind , a course MUST be good because it holds pro tour events .
    In fact I would say its a minus .
    I am sure one day we will get back to the interesting , shorter , quicker to play courses , that suit holiday golfers much more than these long and straight boring monstrosities , that must be good because they beat you up , and you lost a bunch of balls .
    No thanks .

  2. I would have to say that I dont see a correlation between “more interesting” and “quicker to play”. I would say they are mutually exclusive.
    IF a course has held a pro tour event the odds are very good that the greens roll very well and at a similar pace. you dont get 1 green that is an ice scating rink and one that is SLOOOOOW. Plus the fairways are likely to be in good condition.
    Yes they are likely to be harder and that is not everyone cup of tea, but they will be in good condition. also due to there reputation they are likely to keep sister courses upto a certain standard – thus my favourite course in Phuket is NOT the Canyon course but the lakes course. Kept to s similar standard, but as difficult.

  3. Hi Graham,
    I agree with you. Most likely Bangkok Jack has never played the better courses, so either he is jealous or he does not know any better. Lets give him the benefit of doubt and just say he does not know any better.
    It reminds me once when a friend told me it was a waste to pay any more than 1000 baht for a round of golf because you can play the same amount of holes (18) at the Army courses for only 300 baht. So why should he pay more for the same amount of golf?

  4. You know I have NEVER played a course in Thailand that had fairways that I would consider in “good condition” .
    Yes Mark , that includes your beloved Alpine and Thai CC !
    They were okay , but if thats good , how do you describe the fairways on the best courses in Scotland ?
    BTW , I am not hooked on price , or condition , in any way . Bangpra ,RHH ,BDam would not be some of my favourite courses if that was the case .
    In my opinion,if the course has held a pro event , then it normally has more to do with who owns the course , and how much money they can put forward to the event , over how great a course it is .
    Of course this is not mutually exclusive to Thailand.
    Best Regards.

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