Food and Drink Costs at Thailand Golf Courses

Food and Drink Costs at Thailand Golf Courses

Thailand_golf_food_and_drink As with almost any golf course throughout the world, food and drinks are available at all Thailand golf clubs. On the other hand, unlike golf clubs in the USA or Europe, the food and drink prices at Thailand golf clubs are very reasonable and of good value.

While more expensive than outside the course, 15 baht (US$0.40) for bottled water is not bad. Coke and other soft drinks can be purchased for around 25 baht (US$0.70).  At each of the rest stops, found every 3 holes on Thailand golf courses, you will also find an assortment of food for the golfer on offer.

The selection varies greatly among the courses and even from day to day at the same place. Some courses are well stocked and others have only 1-2 items available at their halfway houses. Most common are an assortment of snacks and chips (30 baht a bag) and hot items like Dim Sum (steamed dumplings, 30 baht for 5), boiled eggs (10 baht each) , fresh fruit (10 baht for one piece), flavored sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves (25 baht each), and fried chicken or hot dogs (30 baht each).

In addition, all of the Thailand golf courses have club houses with restaurants. These establishments serve both tasty Asian and western dishes with prices only slighly higher than other restaurants in Thailand.

For example, a local favorite bowl of noodles with pork or beef balls costs around 40 baht (US$1.25). A club sandwich with fries is usually priced around 80 baht (US$2.25). Beer and wine is also common costing 100 baht for a large bottle of Heineken or Singha.. On an average I spend around 300 baht (US$8) after each round which includes a balanced meal and 2-3 large bottles of beer. The alcohol accounts for about half this cost.

Some Thailand golf travelers follow customs in their home country and bring their own food and drink to the course. Not only is this strictly against golf course rules in Thailand, it is also totally unnecessary, unless you are on a special medical diet. Thailand golf course management use the revenue generated from food and beverage sales to maintain course conditions throughout the year, especially for those periods when they don’t see many golfers

During the low season some of the golf courses in Thailand may see as little as four or five groups for the whole day. Considering the available selection and favorable green fees, you shouldn’t ever need to hesitate to buy your food and beverages at any golf course in Thailand.

If you have any good experiences with golfer’s food or drink in Thailand, please feel free to post a comment here or if you prefer drop me an email at my Thailand golf vacation company and I will take care of the posting duties.

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4 Responses

  1. Mark
    Here was the one thing I enjoyed about Thai CC , that they didnt try to gouge you price wise for refreshments , especially at the drinkstops .
    In fact I think their drinkstops are one of the cheapest in Thailand , no ? .

  2. Erchie,
    I would not say the cheapest, but certainly some of the best. The cold towels (free) are an absolutely heaven, the home made Dim Sum selections are like a gourmet Chinese restaurant, and the alcohol choices (if you do drink on the course) like a well stocked pub!
    Have a great weekend. Any Pattaya golf plans?

  3. A strong recommendation: when playing at Phuket Country Club make sure you try the fried chicken at the stand on the road when you cross the road from the 14th green to the 15th tee. Although not actually on the golf course, the Club do not seem to mind you buying food there and eating it with a drink from the drinks hut on the 15th tee – in fact your caddies will probably demand it. The stand is usually sold out by lunch-time. Probably the best fried chicken in LOS. Aroy dee (delicious)!

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