Thailand Political Situation

Thailand Political Situation

Thailand_protestFor those of you planning on a Thailand golf holiday, here is the real situation as of 12:00 noon on Wednesday September 3.

A state of emergency has been declared in Bangkok city as a result of clashes between pro- and anti- government protestors which have turned violent. A number of state enterprise labor unions are to stage strikes and to selectively cut water and electricity to government offices, halt buses and disrupt train service throughout the country.

The Bangkok protests have been confined to a small area around the main government buildings and the capital’s major tourist sites and all golf courses remain open as usual.

Where I live and work in Bangkok life goes on as usual. We are watching the political situation closely and hope that will continue to be the case. While it is impossible to forecast what the situation will be in the future, the history of this country is that when there is any political turmoil it is settled quickly and life goes on with minimal or no impact on golf or tourists. Lets hope so this time as well!

In the meantime I will continue to post updates as the situation further develops. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected].

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