Hole In One

Hole In One

Golf_hole Well there are many ways to get a hole-in-one but this has to be the easiest I have ever seen. I am not sure where this course is located, but if anyone has a clue feel free to post a comment.

Things are really starting to pick up here in Thailand. This coming season is shaping up to be fantastic as the word is getting out about Thailand golfing all over the world. Inquiries are flooding in and this is taking more and more of my time.

Also, in Bangkok now the weather has cooled off and the normal rains have yet to arrive. This makes for ideal golfing conditions. As such I plan to spend more time "inspecting" the many fine golf courses and change my posting frequency to 3 times a week, Monday Wednesday and Friday. The first of the 3 times weekly posts is almost finished and is a detailed comparison of golfing in Scotland and Thailand. It is a really good post and has some great examples of golf in both places. I will put up the first of 2 parts on Friday.

For now, remember, think positive and YOU WILL SHOOT PAR. See you on the links.


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