3 More Last Minute Thailand Golf Presents

3 More Last Minute Thailand Golf Presents

Putter_thailand Here are 3 more ideas for presents for the Thai golfer who has everything.

1. The WOW Putter (US$59.95) claims to have “Everything you ever wanted in a putter” It boasts: a tape measure to accurately measure the distance from the ball to the hole; a compass to keep the ball on course and avoid getting lost in the woods; a bike horn to quiet others before you putt (can also be used to celebrate great putts), a plumb to check the lay of the land and to eliminate scuffed putts, and, a rabbit’s foot, since we all need a little luck now and then. As they say: everything you ever wanted in a putter…. and more!

2. And, so that you can have lots more chances to use the horn on the WOW Putter to celebrate your great putts, the Potty Putter (US$18.99) golf game still allows the golfer in Thailand to golf, even when suffering from a mild case of “Delhi Belly”. The unique putter set includes a specially designed putting green, a plastic cup, a special mini-putter, two practice golf balls, and a "Do Not Disturb" sign for uninterrupted practice. And you thought your game was in the toilet! Be your best on the Thailand golf greens on your own throne.

3. Finally, do you think your loved one may be playing too much golf in Thailand? Use this next item to get even! Find out at which golf course he or she is playing. Then whilst he / she is out on the golf course, find his driver and car in the parking area and get working with “The Smasher” (US$8.99). This fun product consists of a vinyl sticker that looks like smashed glass and 1/2 of a real golf ball. Stick the vinyl and ball together on the driver’s car’s windshield. And then to the amazement of all (and no doubt the gentle amusement of your loved one!) it looks like a golf ball has smashed into the car’s windshield!

Have fun, Happy Holidays, and most of all enjoy your Thailand golf game!

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